It’s high noon, and i stand face to face with the most wanted man in all the united states of america, his grim visage pinned to a cactus nearby, a bounty underneath it reading, “Wanted, dead or alive. Abraham lincoln. Reward, One hundred thousand dollars.” I locked eyes with the former president, his stare filled with determination and i knew that both of us had too much at stake to die here, I could tell that much just from the cut of his jaw and how he was already grabbing his implements of destruction. I steeled myself, focusing my reflexes and my reactions for the trial to come. I may have just been some punk bounty hunter coming after the great and terrible Lincoln, but I sure as hell wasn’t going without a fight. A small bead of sweat trickled down my forehead, i’d like to believe it was the midday heat, but I knew deep down that even my efforts to calm myself hadn’t stopped my nerves, this was a life or death situation after all. And to his credit, lincoln had no...