Meeting Notes and Assignment

*Note: We are all fully aware that the assignment from last month was not completed by any of us. Due to extenuating circumstances, we have all agreed to pretend like last month didn't happen, and you should pretend that as well. Thank you for playing along with a group of disillusioned writers, we all appreciate the support.

Meeting Date: April 2nd, 2017

Story Challenge Details:

  • Setting: Any
  • Genre: Romance
  • Items: a Deity, bees
Meetings are the first Sunday of the month, the next one will be on May 7th.

If you have questions, comments, or are interested in joining the Appalachian Writer's Guild, let us know! We are now on Facebook, so check us out there!

Facebook: drop in and give us a like!

-Appalachian Writer's Guild


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