I am Cursed

I am cursed, it is a burden my people are reminded of every night when we slip into the realm of dreams and the nightmare of that fateful evening torment us. It’s events playing over and over and reminding us of why we cover our eyes in shame and every night i dread the necessity of sleep as i lay upon my straw bed, apprehensively waiting for it to take me and the nightmare to begin.

My eyes open and the first thing i notice is that i’m not wearing something to cover my eyes, though i don’t feel the need to either. The sun filters in through the windows casting long rays of light on the pews and it occurs to me that i should go upstairs and ring the bell to mark the passing of the hour.

Behind me someone knocks on the door as they enter into my church calling out to me with a good natured hello as they make their way down the aisle.

“Good evening my child,” i reply warmly, “is there something i may do for you?” i ask, my guts detecting a hint of malice from this stranger. I look them over quickly trying to make a judge of their character from their general appearance.

They are a young Asterion, a tad short for their age but seem like they are on the verge of a growth spurt. They have a face designed to be wholly loveable with big rosy cheeks and a knowing face, curly autumn red hair framing their face.

“Not so much as something i need from you as much as something i can do for you.” They answer causing me to chuckle.

“Oh? What is it that you young one can do for me, a simple woman of the clergy?” i ask in return, trying not to be too condescending.

“I’m glad you’re interested,” they say and my apprehension spikes, “See i bring you a gift, i can grant you the power to heal the greatest injuries and diseases, all you have to do is leave this place and let me desecrate the temple.” My first instinct is to punch them but try as i might something holds me back, paralysing me and forcing me to watch as the situation unfolds.

“If i have to do something for it than it’s not really a gift.” I answer, avoiding their proposition.

“I don’t think so, it’s more like the push of adventure rather than you having to work for it,” they reply self righteously, i try to strike them again but my arms will not move an inch by my own volition, instead moving to thoughts that are not my own.

“I will not standby and let this village become fuel for your darkness’s fire” I say defiantly, frowning and crossing my arms at the young Asterion.

“Come on, i thought you servants of the benevolent one would at least understand the concept of the greater good.” They snort, “With the kind of gift i am giving you you could save many towns, cities even from all that plagues them.”

“You cannot claim that to be right if it requires the sacrifice of those who had no choice in the matter.” I say, raising my voice a little as the situation escalates.

“Then perhaps you’ve always wanted out of this place, i mean really it’s just a small town in the middle of To Stileto,” they reply, “You could go anywhere, your skills as a doctor would become legendary, you would be wealthy and respected across Asteria, even the assembly would wait on you hand and foot, you could even refuse-”

“Disgusting and pathetic,” I interrupt them, snarling with contempt, “Have you simply come to waste my time with futile suggestions worm?”

“You clergy always have some kind of pent up desire, might as well try.” They huff, “but if you really want i can be a bit more… persuasive.” They say, snapping their fingers, the sound echoing strangely as burning pain erupts in my eyes. I fall to my knees clutching my face, mustering enough willpower to not scream, bearing the pain in silent agony as the young Asterion watches disinterestedly.

They snap their fingers again and the pain increases, this time i am unable to stop myself from vocalizing my pain their echoes permeating the temple. Then it stops, the tiles come into focus as my sweat drips onto the floor. I curse the dark one for this brief respite but the pain never returns.

“Honestly hurting you was kind of unnecessary,” The worm says nonchalantly, “I just needed you to do something that would lure someone in here.” I hear the sound of footsteps and know their ploy has worked, i try to call out and warn the approaching person of the danger but my voice is hoarse and i can barely croak out stop.

They run up and grab my shoulders, holding me steady as i desperately look around for my tormentor. I spot them sitting in the front row of pews, an expectant look on their face.

“What’s wrong Medusa?” I know the voice, it’s Takis Loannidis, a friend of the temple who hangs around and makes himself useful. He must have been coming here already to see if i needed help cleaning before sundown. “Look at me, come on, look at me, tell me what happened.”

I bring my head up and look him in the eyes, unsure of how to explain the situation but i do not get the chance. As soon as he looks into my eyes a look of terror comes across his face and the hands touching my shoulders lose their warmth, i turn my head to look and am horrified by what i see, under Takis’s shirt his forearms have been turned to stone, the petrification spreading rapidly up his limbs.

He tries to resist, squirming and mouthing screams as his lungs and vocal cords turn to stone, the petrification finally making it to his head and engulfing it instantly, leaving his face contorted in horror.

“Well i did give you one gift at least,” the worm says, getting up from where they were sitting, “So what do you say now? You can either let me do what i need to and i’ll even still throw in the gift of healing,” they switch to a menacing tone “or we can take a walk.” I detach myself from the statue that was Takis and shakily stand up.

“What difference would it make, they are as good as dead anyways if i abandon them to you.” I reply, pressing a hand to the statue and making a silent blessing for the poor man’s soul.

“Bah, such black and white morality,” They spit, “Always the worst thing about dealing with the Benevolent one.” They speak with such familiarity that i cannot help but wonder if the Asterion before me is just a shell filled entirely by the dark one.

“I will not forsake them, i WILL continue to protect them with the benevolent one’s blessing… even if it kills them.” I say, gathering my confidence and standing up straight.

“Pity.” they reply, walking up to me and grabbing my hand. I try to swat it away but my body seizes up. “Alright, let’s go.” they say pointing to the door and i am compelled to walk towards it.

We enter into the fading light and start walking down the main street of my small town, Evdokia Kokinos, a sweet old lady that spends her time running the local smithy, greets me on the corner, the reassuring smile she would always give me during services quickly disappearing as she turns to stone. I try to close my eyes and stop walking, but it feels like i’m in a dream, watching as my body moves along a set route as we continue down main street.

Stephanos Marinos, father of four and all his kids, Panagiotis, Spiridon, Mihail and Tasoula  are next, they were outside enjoying the evening weather while Stephanos schooled them, the kids running up to greet me when i passed, my head dutifully swiveling to look at them.

“Anytime now,” The servant of the dark one says, “All you have to do is think it, since you’re a little tongue tied at the moment.” I do not react to their jab, impassively watching as we pass by Xenia Simonides, a clergy hopeful who seemed like she wanted to ask me some question about the benevolent one before she looked into my eyes.

A local adventuring group of four greets me politely, here to resupply before they go out questing no doubt, none of them are spared. Katina Marinos comes by carrying food from the market, at least she will be spared the heartache of finding her family.

I enter into the inn briefly, The owner Tasia who refuses to tell anyone her last name spots me first and points me out to the rest of the patreons, the lumberjack twins Thekla and Zinon Argyris, Ilias Kokinos the smithy’s husband, Omiros Floros master hunter who was engaged in an arm wrestling contest with Elliot Blackburn local Bestian wolf man. Spectated by Markos Raptis, Alexis Demetriou and Avra Pachis, good friends and drinking buddies always looking for something exciting to do.

“Shame, those three would have been perfect.” The worm says in our linked thoughts, real disappointment in their voice as we leave the bar, an empty silence replacing the revelling that filled the building moments ago.

A couple of townsfolk are looking down the road i have come down, horrified expressions on their faces, Angelos Metaxas who owns a shop selling exotic goods runs over pointing to the travesty but barely makes it halfway before to me before he too turns to stone. This causes the rest of the bystanders to look my way as Angelos’s statue falls over due to it’s unsure footing.

Among the poor souls that have just looked at me are Xenia Michel a farmer from just out of town with her daughter Paraskevi, a young girl of four years that i’ve schooled when the mother was unable to. Then there's Yorgos Michelakis, if it can be carved he’s probably already made something out of it, standing next to him is his husband Photios Megalos who goes out on adventures and brings back presents for his beloved.

Glykeria and her sister Artemis a pair of orphans that lost their mother and father who died protecting the village from bandits peek out of an alley, a home and family waits for them when their souls get to the benevolent one.

Our village isn’t very big but every person who is turned to stone is far too many to count but i do not yield, knowing the fate that they would be subjected to is far worse than what they have gotten here.

“Hmmph,” The worm besides me pouts, “You win, congratulations on your tenacity blah blah blah, i hope the death you’ve caused today haunts you and keeps you from having a peaceful night’s sleep, i know it will haunt me.” They release my arm and start walking away, “Oh yeah and you can keep my gift since you decided that it’s better than healing people apparently.”

Then the dream ends abruptly as the worm disappears from view and i wake up, blankets and hay tossed around from my restless sleep.

08 P L A Z A


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