Darkov Epilogue

(Author's note, Darkov is my D&D Character from our last campaign)

Darkov leaned against the balcony of the fortified manor overlooking the town of Phandalin, once nothing but a backwater town in the midst of ruins, now it was a prosperous and bustling commercial hub for the traders and merchants thanks to the rediscovered Forge of Spells.

It had not been easy for Darkov to become the Lord of the town, his father had initially refused to even consider it, but unlike the many times before that Darkov had simply submitted to his parent's commands and wishes, this time he had a fire in his spirit and made demands, not requests. The arguments were heated and the night long, but by morning Darkov had left his ancestral home escorted by most of the Castle's Housecarls, and a few compromises. 
The land had been once claimed by some old lord long in the past, his bloodline had been weak and faded into the pages of history. So when the flag of the House of Kov flew above the town of Phandalin, other Lords who might contest it found their claims lacking, and the Lord's alliance decided that, rather than risk a conflict over the land, that Darkov's claim be granted. Darkov had made sure that decision had been made before the discovery of the Forge was made public. 

Darkov's gaze shifted across the town, away in the marketplace he could see the flashy clothes of his Lady Seshi, the wife his parents had chosen for him. Not the worst compromise he'd made, though with her spending habits he considered himself lucky to receive a constant portion of the Forge of Spell's profits, rather than a single payment. 

It was these profits that had allowed him to build one of the town's most interesting features, The Droop Center For Goblin Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff, a large school for those Goblins who decided to follow a different path than barbarity. At its center, atop a tall pedestal surrounded by fountains, a gleaming Gold statue of the Goblin Droop stood inspirationally above the campus. At its base, a plaque was placed and covered in magic runes, the heroic deeds of Droop and how his act of brave self-sacrifice had saved the brave adventurers and returned prosperity to the town of Phandalin.

Being lord of a town suited Darkov, though his wife would tell you of some of the days he longed for adventure again, his hunting parties in the woods, the great feasts to be held when his old companions returned for a visit. Alma the Bard, playing music into the early mornings, Voldermaria the Druid, blazing it in her room, Akina the Cleric, who rumors suggested was having an affair with Darkov's own mother, not that anyone would ever know for sure. And finally the thief, who Darkov had forgotten the name of and was too embarrassed to ask it at this point. After every visit, it seemed silverware and candlesticks went missing and whenever Darkov's wife brought it up, he would always smile and shrug. 

What were a few missing items amongst friends? Friends he thought, how surprised he was to think it, a group he had almost fought against as much as he had fought with, looking across the town to the Droop Center For Goblin Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff he smiled, one more heroic deed by Droop, he had united them.


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